Experience the world's greatest stories at your fingertips

Hey, there!

We are Retale!

Retale Interactive was founded in 2022 by two weirdo-dreamer designers. Retale is a Finnish-Brazilian company with a special goal of creating top-quality storytelling products for kids. In every story, the player's interaction takes center stage as the main character. Whether it's interactive retellings of classic tales or brand new productions, our team pays meticulous attention to every detail to deliver experiences that will be etched in the memory of our users.

“Our mission is to create interactive digital products that promote multiliteracy while creating emotional memories to every child

Ana Esther Camargo - Founder and CEO

Peek Inside Retale

The Ugly Duckling Retale.PNG

Original Products

We have developed a line of digital interactive adaptations of classic literature as our flagship product. Our primary objective is to inspire a love for reading among children.

Our initial prototype, a digital adaptation of "The Ugly Duckling" has been successfully tested by kids from South America and Europe, as well as by educators, designers, and researchers.

Get ready for Retale's upcoming release of The Ugly Duckling, with more exciting titles on the way!

Production on Demand

At Retale, we have the expertise to develop personalized digital interactive books for publishers and media companies on a made-to-order basis.

Our offerings provide a one-of-a-kind solution for augmenting your company's portfolio. The production timeline for a digital book typically spans around 3 months*.

To accommodate diverse requirements, we have two types of contracts available at Retale: Standard and Premium.

*depending on the size of the book

Our values

To develop Digital Literacy

To engage Reading

To create emotional experiences

To entertain while educate

If you're interested in our services or learning more about our upcoming projects, send us a message! A member of our team will promptly prepare a cup of hot tea and give you a call back.

Let's chat!